Bits of Babble
2004-06-20 � 2:05 a.m.

Mood: Very Happy
Music: "Nickel In the Well" by Bryan White

*enters, stretches out in her black leather recliner* Hi all. *waves lazily* I used to wonder how a job where I do such menial things like filing all day could exhaust me so much, but I came to the realization that it's not the work that's so exhausting, as it is the asinine people I have to put up with while I'm there. A few of the people are nice to me and we get along, but most of them are jerks who don't respect me or Desira or what we do. They seem to think we don't do real work--conveniently forgetting that without us, everything would be chaos and they wouldn't be able to do their jobs.

But, it is a job, and it does pay exceedingly well. I'm lucky to even have one for the summer. It looked for quite a while like I wouldn't. Anyway, I'm going to stop myself before I go off on another work rant. I've actually had a very good evening, and I don't want to ruin it.

On the writing front, though, I'm having trouble again. Sometimes it's the inability to put things into words, sometimes it's just a lack of motivation. I don't know what to do. It's frustrating. As a result, if I write at all, I write in fits and starts and I get maybe a paragraph or two finished at a time. I feel like I'm sweating drops of blood or something.

As far as the whole thing with Eric goes, I feel a whole lot better about it. I just needed time to calm down and get it out of my system, I guess. We're getting along quite well again, and we talked on the phone for quite some time tonight. We usually don't get to talk during the weekdays, so we try to make the most of the phone call or two we can squeeze in on the weekends.

*sits up* Well, I don't have much else to talk about at the moment. I'm going to go and try to get some writing done. Probably won't accomplish much, but oh well. Least I tried, right? *shakes head and exits* 'Night everyone.


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